I need to make covers for my machines. I have one thats not long enough and another thats plastic. I like to make some pretty ones and since I need to cover 4 machines that would be awesome looking.
Crafty Daisies has some cute ones too http://craftydaisies.com/2007/08/28/sewing-machine-covers/
Instructions again http://sewing.about.com/od/freeprojects/ss/machinecoverins_2.htm
Whip Up has cool pictures of covers and links to go and make them http://whipup.net/2007/02/23/sewing-machine-covers/
Trans-craft-inental has a beautiful quilted one http://transcraftinental.blogspot.com/2007/04/sewing-machine-cover-that-took-waaaay.html
The Sporadic PackRat has a cool crazy quilty type of one http://cowgirl53.wordpress.com/2007/03/12/sewing-machine-covers/