Project list:
1.Chop sticks or pre-made wooden hair craft sticks
2.Aleene's glue
Besides buying the pre-made hair sticks at your local Jewelry/Hair place there are ways of making your own personal hair sticks. If you prefer not to make your own but want some unique ones there's always buying real chop sticks at your local Asian restaurant. They will be longer than regular hair sticks.
To make your own either buy pre-made wooden or plastic sticks from ebay or etsy or your local craft store. You could take a few of those free chop sticks from the restaurant you love eating at. I have dyed my chop sticks using Rit Dye. First you must sand them down a little using light weight sandpaper. The color will grip on the wood better.
You can also wood burn symbols, words, pictures or whatever your desire on your sticks using a wood burning tool.(I recommend doing the wood burning on the thicker hair sticks and not the chop sticks only because the chop sticks are a bit thin).
Here's a site w/info in cutting them shorter and other ideas http://pcpolyzine.com/march2001/sticks.html
You can glue on rhinestones, beads ,etc. using Jewel It glue right on the stick or thread the beads through either wire or floss and tie it to the end and let the beads dangle. I've added tassels or fabric to the ends of hair sticks.
diy instructions
blog on making them http://froghollow.typepad.com/photos/what_i_did_while_in_bed_t/p1010018.html
peyote stitched beaded hair sticks
Vendors for Hair sticks etsy http://www.etsy.com/search_results.php?search_type=tag_title_description&search_query=hair+sticks http://bluemoonartistry.com/index.html
http://www.kylas-keepsakes.com/hairsticks.html Mon, May 22, 2006 - 9:35 AM
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