Project List: Paillettes sequins(ebay or craft store)
Capiz 1 inch shells(found mine on ebay)
teal/green seaweed looking yarn(any craft store)
black yarn Sea shells(beach and Joann)
Irridescent beads(Joann Fabrics)
Syntheic hair(colored and regular)
I finally finished these. I first started with my teal/green seaweed looking yarn and black yarn. I added syntheic blue and turqoise hair. I made a knot with a circle and tied everything together.I started braiding at the top then started adding shells both capiz and other types of shells to the black yarn. I also added irridescent paillettes to it and a string of (I used that fishing line type of wire)irridescent beads.After it was all braided I tied off the ends and added some weave in curly syntheic hair. This is how came out so long. I also made other items for this costume and will post pictures of those later on. Mermaid barrettes
Mermaid costume with my mermaid hair falls
Blue/Green Tribaret Costume with Mermaid Hair Falls
Vampire Mermaid costume
I used the links below for help in making them-including the braiding system used in the link below. Info on making cowrie hair falls @ http://www.tribalbellydance.org/resources/cowriefalls.html
Lori's instruction with pictures on making cowrie ones@ http://entertainment.webshots.com/album/560003703DwJOnz?vhost=entertainment&start=0
Denise's Cowrie Fall Tutorial http://www.tribaldancewear.com/downloads/falls.pdf
Hair tassels @ http://www.tribalbellydance.org/resources/hairtassels.html Lmk if you have any questions. braiding systems link@ http://www.home.zonnet.nl/willeke_igkt/tables/braid-text_table.html huge list of tutorials for different used of synthetic hair http://delicstutorials.livejournal.com/5650.html
Also for vendors who sell them (please add a link if I forgot someone)
K-Lee @ http://www.thegoddessgarden.net/mc_facesnheads.html
Kyla @ www.kylas-keepsakes.com
Gorgeous cowrie falls@ www.TribalHair.com
Shahlah @ http://tribes.tribe.net/shahlahcraftdesigns http://www.shahlahcraftdesigns.com/
Layla @ http://www.laylaslocks.com/
Wicked Harem Bellydance http://www.wickedharembellydance.com/ Crystal Kini Designs@ http://www.crystalkini.com/bellydance-hair-falls.php http://tribes.tribe.net/crystalkinidesigns
Dreadocks @ http://ragdolly.net/
Amaltheas Attic http://www.amaltheasattic.com/hair.html
I kick Shins http://ikickshins.net/index.htm
Yarn falls -e-mail Belilah on her site www.belilahonline.com
Dawn O @ http://people.tribe.net/stardawn/photos?page=2
Desert Lotus @ http://stores.ebay.com/Desert-Lotus-Tribal_Hair-Falls_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ4QQftidZ2QQtZkm
Auralynne @ http://www.auralynne.com/index.html
Exoskeleton Cabaret @ http://www.exoskeletoncabaret.com/products.html http://www.angrycaninelovestick.org/hairmenu.html http://www.mariachiconnection.com/category.php?ID=32 http://beautifullychaotic.net/
goth@ http://www.velvetgarden.net/hair.html Fri, June 30, 2006
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