Project List: O-rings 6mm
Shrink it plastic
Rubber Stamp
wire 20 gauge
I have been working with Shrink plastic forever. Its totally fun and cheap. I even used ink jet shrink it where you can put a picture from your computer and shrink it(I did a necklace of my kids pictures).
That will be my next project-Mata Hari bracelet. Anyway, what I did was used a rubber stamp on a frosty colored shrink it. I then cut out the pieces and made holes on the sides. Making sure all rough edges are taken care of. I put it in the oven at 300 F. It takes about 2 to 3 minutes for it to shrink. I used a non stick clean pan(no left over oils on it ).
All done-I let it cool and then put collage sealer on it so the print doesn't smear. I added o-rings and connected each dragon piece. I also added beads,washers ,etc. to the o-rings between each piece. Added a clasp and there you have your bracelet.
Whats shrink it http://www.luckysquirrel.com/info_faqtext.html
link for more info making stuff with shrink it http://www.mcgpaper.com/shrinkart1.html
rubber stamping shrink it http://www.rubberstampsclub.com/tips/polyshrink.html
jewelry shrink it http://www.azcentral.com/home/crafty/articles/0419craftyideas19.html
shrink it bracelet http://www.hgtv.com/hgtv/cr_accessories_jewelry/article/0,1789,HGTV_3225_4424098,00.html shrink it and paint http://www.littlebit.com/ideas_misc/shrinkplastic.htm
rose bracelet http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art51048.asp Sat, October 20, 2007
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