Project List:
Irish Coins
Split Rings-8mm and 6mm
Copper Chain
Copper Washers
Brocade Copper Fabric
Nice underwire Bra
Gross grain ribbon
Big sturdy hooks
Fray check
I finally finished this coin bra. I bought the coins from Velvet Peacock Designs back in 06'. http://www.velvetpeacockdesigns.com/
I worked on and off this for over 2 months. I bought a nice clearance bra and covered it with brocade fabric.I used fray check on the inside so my seams on the brocade wouldn't fray. I took off half of the top straps and cut off only the hooks of the back. I didn't cut my bra sides cause I didn't need to for me. If you perform a lot , you should because the elastic side straps will eventually give out. I added gross grain ribbon to the back and the top straps and cover it with my fabric. I did many fittings including getting a few needle pokes in my back.
Here are some links on how to cover your bra:
Anthea Costumes http://www.kawakib.com/page-16.html
Nadya's http://www.nadyas-naehtipps.de/englisch/e-fotoroman-bh.htm
Misha http://www.flickr.com/photos/mishakitty/sets/72157604040747130/
Shira http://www.shira.net/cg/coverbra.htm
There's many other items to add like 0-rings, etc. but I will leave that for later. I drilled all these coins on a drill press.My poor fingers hurt after awhile from the burs but it was much easier than drilling them by hand. I drilled four holes in each coin so I could connect them.
Previous blog on drilling coins http://people.tribe.net/erikaschiquis/blog/e3548950-5725-4cbc-92d8-e6db989fc830
I used split copper rings to do this. I bought mine at W mart. There's better split rings but I was on a budget and they work pretty good. After I had them all draped like a necklace, I sewed them onto the bra cups and middle.I used quilter's thread to sew on the coins. I added necklaces on the very top and the bottom middle.
This was all very time consuming so I did it at night while watching T.V. I also added chain drape on the bottom with Irish pennies on it. I drilled a copper washer and that was my middle piece where the drape hangs from. I also connected the small split rings and made chains of them and connected them to parts of the coins on the top. Gave it a cool metal look.
This is a project that I waited on making cause I knew not only is a bit hard but time consuming.
fitting a bra http://www.sevenveils.co.uk/learning/costumes/#bra
Stiffening cups http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/7fa93b40-2d5e-45f1-aad3-c9e97f7e3f90
lining the cups http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/5131f130-f850-4b11-b3b3-8e82769642e0
halter bra construction by Christina http://tribes.tribe.net/diycostumes/photos/5f63b654-e4e9-4e2c-837d-fe6bd7ef1fbc
Making a Bra Base by Deserae http://www.flowersofaraby.com/making_base_bedleh_costume.htm
Bra Constructions
Coin Bra tutorials:
Black Swan Tribe
Bra Bases-just buy an already base and just decorate-great for beginner sewers Atira's http://www.atirasfashions.com/bra.html
Sugar Petals
Flying Skirts
The Bra stop-customized bras
Bra Construction tips for the Busty Gal
Big Boobiful Beledi Dancers
Triangle Bras(I do have an diy blog on this)including tips for Busty Gals http://tribes.tribe.net/diycostumes/thread/7be2a146-a707-4f14-94a2-ed33428961e8
Constuction of a Bra and including Busty Gals http://euphraxia.com/images/tutorial.jpg
Replacing straps and putting in o-rings for a criss cross back http://tribes.tribe.net/diycostumes/thread/d6b4d683-f463-438d-8d44-dc82b00cb8c4 http://tribes.tribe.net/diycostumes/thread/f79163a6-3ad0-4b44-bd96-b35c1de45f78
How to put a o-ring in the center of your bra by Deserae http://people.tribe.net/cbb7e562-01a4-4a1e-859e-d67ab1a006b0/photos/14dce3e3-47e3-4782-9477-763ec5b92adc
How to put on coins http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/2b72b2c9-aded-46cc-a5fd-0c8676579ba4
spacing coins on a bra http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/639ddb61-a3e5-44a4-b1ec-aeac310d753c
how to distribute the weight of coins on a bra
attaching Turkomen buttons to a bra http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/f1ddf578-8531-42d6-8385-cce689ea2833
what to use to sew on your coins http://tribes.tribe.net/diycostumes/thread/f1cac4b9-d0f6-4c7c-8689-aa740c4f717c
How to clean a coin bra http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/8ceb2bb3-4267-418e-b033-2f88ac5b3f07
How to clean and store your bra http://www.farfesha.com/pages/costume-care.htm
Assuit http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/0f08f72a-8d73-40a5-883c-bc5a94e4a940
How to polish your coins http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~roy/magictalk-wisdom/discussions/polishing_coins.html http://gometaldetecting.com/cleaning-finds.html
How to clean copper coins http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-Copper-Coins-in-Seconds
Other ideas to decorate your bra besides coins Scales by Pixie
Washers by Basha
Rabies Tags by Tanis
Brass Tags by Haifa
Macrame by Trudi
Where to buy supplies for bras-o-rings, chain
Where to buy coins
Velvet Peacock Designs for the Irish Pennies please ask for them because they are not up on the site yet http://www.velvetpeacockdesigns.com/
Sirik http://stores.ebay.com/sirik_TRIBAL-Coins_W0QQcolZ2QQdirZ1QQfsubZ11QQftidZ1QQtZkm
Shimmy Bliss http://www.shimmybliss.com/servlet/StoreFront
Tribal Souk http://www.tribalsouk.com/
Red Camel http://theredcamel.tripod.com/textiles.htm
Salome's Tent http://www.salomestent.com/coins.htm
Bellydance shop http://www.thebellydanceshop.com/products.php?id=22
Saroyan http://www.saroyanzils.com/
The Goddess Garden http://search.express.ebay.com/merchant/thegoddessgardenbykahlea
bluz4allah http://search.express.ebay.com/merchant/bluz4allah
Attaching a coin drape to a bra http://www.shira.net/cg/coinbra.htm http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/7e509be1-1324-4799-b8d9-aa77dacf5ed8
Books on how to make decorated/coin bras
The Costume Goddess http://www.costumegoddess.com/books/beltbra.htm
Dawn Devine Brown http://www.amazon.com/Embellished-Bras-Dawn-Devine-Brown/dp/0967817064
More Books http://www.pinkgypsy.com/davina/
Patterns http://www.artemisimports.com/patterns/
Tempest Corset Bra pattern http://www.meddevi.com/dance/boutique/pattern/index.html
Vendors who sell coin bras
Velvet Peacock Designs http://www.velvetpeacockdesigns.com/
Moondance Bellydance http://www.moondancebellydance.com/coinbelts.htm
My Tribal Rootz http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5154516
Liora Designs http://www.liorabellydance.com/LioraDesigns.html
Tribal Bazaar http://www.tribalbazaar.com/braandbeltsets.html
Tahiya custom made bras http://www.tahiya.net/
Anaya Tribal http://anayatribal.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2
Coin Costumes-Sarah Skinner's Shop http://www.shakemyday.com/shop/s_coin_cost.html AngelDMort http://www.angeldmort.com/
Khaduja's Costuming http://www.khadujascostuming.com/
East Coast Tribal http://stores.ebay.com/East-Coast-Tribal
Belly Roll http://www.bellyroll.com/adorn.html
Heavy Metal Bras by Once in a Blue Moon http://tribes.tribe.net/onceinabluemoon
Flying Skirts http://www.flyingskirts.com/catalog/bras.shtml
Belli Phat-includes plus sizes http://tribes.tribe.net/belliphat http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5611328
Tombo Studios-Goth http://www.tombostudio.com/assuit.html
Naked Parrot Desings http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5573957
Gigi's Originals http://stores.ebay.com/Gigi-Originals-For-Every-Body http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=987
Read my Hips http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5627472
The Goddess Garden http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5644056 http://www.freewebs.com/thegoddessgarden/apps/webstore/
Synari http://www.geocities.com/synaridesigns/ http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5311792 http://tribes.tribe.net/synari-designs
Domba http://www.domba.com/
Coin Drapes, Bras and Belts by Costless Costumes http://www.costlesscostumes.com/ZBDC.html Fri, June 20, 2008
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