Project List: Jiffy Thick and quick red/black yarn Fun and fuzzy
Sparkle black yarn
black flowers
chain belt
regular belt
cut up and belt buckle
black and red feathers
silver bells
some nickels
red and black wood beads
Most of these items if not all of them can be bought at a craft store or Joann fabrics. I might have forgotten something but this is the basic list of stuff. You don't have to use the exact stuff, look at your craft stuff and use that. This belt only cost me maybe 15.00 dollars or a tiny bit more. I got a lot of stuff from work that they throw out. Directions Get one of the those chain belts. I've seen them at Joann's at the accessories section.
Now it helps greatly if you have a mannequin of some kind to hang the belt. If you don't -find a place where you can stick some nails or hooks to hold the belt at eye level. Measure the chain where it will fit you and mark that link that you will attach it too. This is so you don't add stuff to where it will be fastened. Now I had put my belt buckle on the front first so I know how much yarn to put on either side. I used the jiffy yarn to attach the buckle to the chain.(I just looped the yarn through the buckle and just tied it on). I added wooden black and red beads to the yarn ties of the buckle. To add the yarn to the chain belt just put the yarn threw the links and tie a knot at the top to each strand. I added 2 to 3 strands of either of the red/black or fun fur sparkle yarn to each link.I also added a strand of yarn on each side of the buckle and strung black and red wooden beads on it.(Pirate of the Carribeans inspired) I didn't add any yarn to the sides of the belt.
I added left over fabric belts from work to each front side and back sides. If you can't find fabric belts to use, you can use 2 to 2 1/2 inch wide trim. My front belts do not match my back belts. I attached them by folding over the belt over the chain on itself. You can sew it or glue it,( recommend Jewel it glue) After attaching the front and back belts I used conchos(can find at any Joann's or craft store) and tie them (using ribbon)on the belts through the loop that was made by tying the belts over the chain.
The belt on the back had some ribbon attached to it so I added some black and red wooden beads.You can add a some yarn and then add the beads to it. Now the sides. I used string that is used for beading necklaces (black vinyl stuff) to attach the big and small, red and black feathers. I just tied the string to a hook (the feather can detach if I need them too). Using small hairpipes in black -I slid them on the vinyl string and then put the end of the feather threw the hairpipe. I used a quite a few until I liked it.
Also, on the side chain links I added bells using o rings to attach them. I also added some coins. You can use Kuchi coins if you have some left overs from other projects. I added some ribbon to the sides and some PVC or vinyl strips from another project. These were scrapes and just look through your scrapes for odds and ends. I also made two tassels (to make tassels go to) blackswantribe.com.au/tasselbelts.html out of sparkle black fun fur. Leaving some room at the top of the tassel, I added some red glass/plastic (can't remember) beads and silver caps.
Here is a list Vendors of Tribal belts http://www.desertlotustribal.com/ http://tribes.tribe.net/desert-lotus-tribal
gigis originals for now her ebay store http://stores.ebay.com/Gigi-Originals-For-Every-Body
she is moving to etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=987 http://tribes.tribe.net/gigioriginals
flying skirts www.flyingskirts.com/catalog/belts.shtml http://eidnarb.googlepages.com/beltsbybrandiehttp://www.tribalhair.com/
Susan makes them -just contact her http://people.tribe.net/03a03f2f-8775-42d5-a14f-c78fa328c610 http://www.belilahonline.com/ tribes.tribe.net/belilahonline If you have any questions or need help just lmk-I would be happy to help. I will be posting instructions for items I made at least every couple of months. Thank u everyone with your very sweet comments. Wed, March 15, 2006 - 4:38 AM -
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