Project List: Flowers Glue(I like Aleene's jewel it glue)
Hair clips
There are many ways to make these. I have links to tribe threads on this. Some people like using hair elastics, some use alligator clips, hair bands,etc. I use the basic hair salon clips.(the kind they use to part your hair to move it out of the way while cutting). I find alligator clips a bit too aggressive for my hair but I have thick hair. Someone with non curly finner hair , alligator clips would work.You can also glue them to hair bands or hair rubber bands.
I use Aleene's Jewel it glue. Its strong enough to glue coins to a barrette but dries clear, is non toxic, does not smell and is washable. I strongly suggest to never use hot glue. Hot glue is useless unless your doing your child's school project. Otherwise don't ever use it for your costumes. I have a link below to where to purchase flowers. Craft stores, fabric stores,etc...
All I do is pop off the stem and if the leaves are too big they come off too. Then I put glue on the bottom of the flower and just place the salon hair clip on top. Just dab some glue the length of the clip then wait an hour and then put the clip on it. It sticks better. I stick a pin in between the metal clip so the glue doesn't stick both ends of the hair clip.Do this on top of newspaper and out of the way so it doesn't get knocked over(like my fricken cats like to do). Also, some crafters add a piece of felt between the flower and the clip. Optional-depending on your flower too. Wait at least 24 hrs for the glue to adhere and you got yourself your own handmade hair flower. You can basically make them out of any flower, and color , any size. You can glitter on them. Also, you can make them into barrettes. There's glitter paint or glue. You can just do the edges or the whole flower.
Pictures of me with flowers
I made one Japanese Kanzashi type.
I have below links to make different kinds. I also have links below of belly dancers who make and sell them. Links to Hawaiian, Mexican, Goth, Japanese(Kanzashi) flowers vendor links.
how to make your own cloth flowers@ http://blairpeter.typepad.com/weblog/2006/03/fabric_flowers.html
to make your own Poppy flowers@ http://www.webindia123.com/craft/flower/poppy/flower.html make your own leis@ http://www.alohafriends.com/leimaking.html
another on leis@ http://www.pacificislandtravel.com/hawaii/about_destin/flowerleimaking.html
how to make ribbon roses@ http://www.save-on-crafts.com/howtomakribr.html
how to make ribbon daises@ http://www.aokcorral.com/projects/how2apr2004.htm
how to make ribbon carnations@ http://www.quiltware.com/usingribbon.htm
paper flowers@ http://www.do-it-yourself-weddings.com/how-to-make-tissue-paper-flowers.html paper flowers@http://www.marthastewart.com/portal/site/mslo/menuitem.3a0656639de62ad593598e10d373a0a0/?vgnextoid=efb9608f8532f010VgnVCM1000003d370a0aRCRD&autonomy_kw=tissue%20paper%20flower%20pom%20pom&rsc=ns2006_pic_m6
Tribe threads on hair flowers http://tribes.tribe.net/diycostumes/thread/de7e0aa2-d23c-44fa-b41e-c3006ea74a81 http://tribes.tribe.net/diycostumes/thread/d856abfa-2d46-4aa2-946b-02bebb417321 What type of clips http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/fa39e778-7588-4d55-bbc7-a43b66937818 Sources for flowers http://tribalcostuming.tribe.net/thread/ae02cbd2-c579-4553-8d00-4086d053b6c4
links how to make them Japanese Kanzashi flowers http://craftster.org/blog/?p=60
another link http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/geisha_flowers
items for making Asian inspired items http://www.franticstamper.com/collage.htm
Gothic hair http://www.gothfashion.info/hairacc.php
Scroll down a little http://www.kidzworld.com/article/4703-make-your-own-accessories http://www.save-on-crafts.com/howtomaresif.html
Tissue Mexican flowers http://www.dltk-kids.com/world/mexico/tissueflowers.htm http://www.marthastewart.com/portal/site/mslo/menuitem.0e0eb51a2e6b5ad593598e10d373a0a0/?vgnextoid=82c22e912b11f010VgnVCM1000003d370a0aRCRD&autonomy_kw=hair flowers&rsc=ns2006_pic_m3
Crochet Flowers http://www.crochetme.com/issue_1/flower_power.html http://www.mydivascloset.com/sexhairac.html http://www.plumparty.com/partysupplies/18792.html flamenco combs http://www.diynetwork.com/diy/cr_jewelry/article/0,2025,DIY_13762_2784541,00.html
Vendors of belly dance flowers http://www.myspace.com/designsbyao http://www.auralynne.com http://www.kylas-keepsakes.com/contents.html www.domba.com http://www.princessfarhana.com/flowers.htm
Vendors of Hair Flowers http://www.thedivapinup.com/catalog.html http://www.petaldesign.com/products/flowers_new/flowers_page1.htm http://retroglamourgirl.com/store/catalog/ http://www.flowerclip.com/
Flameco style http://www.flamencoshop.com/flowers/home.htm http://www.flamencoexport.com/flamenco-best-sellers/flamenco-flowers.html http://www.esflamenco.com/scripts/list/enlist.asp?frmIdList=170
Tango flowers http://www.hibiscusflorals.com/silk_hair_flowers/silk_hair_flowers_2.html
Hawaiian Flowers http://www.paradiseclothingco.com/alohahawaiiantropicalhairflowers.asp http://www.tropicislemusic.com/art_flowers/hair_clips.htm http://www.hawaiianluauparty.com/section.cfm?sectionid=14 http://www.leisofhawaii.com/hawaiiansilksfloralaccessories.htm
Photo with a Dancer with flowers in her hair http://www.soasoas.com/april/gallery/viewImg2.cgi?dir=caribbean&id=Flowers_in_her_hair http://www.soasoas.com/april/gallery/viewImg2.cgi?xref=caribbean&dir=caribbean&id=Twirling_Colors http://www.hulasource.com/hairac.html
Gothic Hair http://www.wickedsmileys.com/OrientalFlair/asian.html
Japanese Kansachi flowers http://www1.odn.ne.jp/maya/english/enknshop.htm http://www.theastarr.com/kanzashi1.html
Mexican Flowers http://www.mariachiconnection.com/category.php?ID=32 http://www.casafolklorica.com/subpage3.html Fri, March 9, 2007 - 10:49 AM
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