Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sewing Room Organization Part 8-Fabric Scraps

This is how I keep my fabric scraps that are almost a fat quarter or less. Many of these are almost empty since I use a lot of scraps for quilts. There are many ways to organize but this is the method that works for me. I bought these containers at the Dollar Store.

I used to have it in a shoe organizer and it would take forever to find anything because you can't see it and once you pull out one item everything else falls. I've actually used 85% percent of all these scraps you see on this picture. I use this mostly for my Xmas present quilts.

I store fat quarters in this type of container that I also bought at the Dollar store.

I actually got this idea from Fabric Therapy. She has her entire collection of fabrics, fat quarters, strips, projects, etc. all organized, labeled and neatly stacked in her sewing room. It is fantastic how organized her sewing room is. She has five parts to it and you have to see it. Fabric Therapy

I've previously blogged about her here

I've also previously blogged about scrap organization here

I also have in 3 colored small bins to put scraps too small(small strips) to go in the other containers for making blocks. The red bin containers scraps that are for red, black, pink and orange colors. Blue is for blue, purple and combos of those colors. Green container for green, yellow and combos of those colors.
For really small pieces of ribbon, lace and fabric I use mason jars. These pieces are used for my scrap bracelets.

I hope this helps you organize your scraps.

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