Sunday, January 26, 2025

Stain Glass Scrap Quilt Blocks, Sneaker Slipper Crochet Pattern and Machine Embroidery on Quilts.

 I started making these quilt blocks with all my scraps. I really love the look of them. They do take a little longer than other scrap quilts. This photo is from a scrap quilt stain glass tutorial here



 I am doing a few different crochet blankets. Including Tapestry crochet, Filet crochet and I would like to do these slippers.I made one pair a couple of years ago and my kids want more for Christmas.

Easy Crochet Adult Converse. 4 SIZES ...Here's the link


I've been adding embroidery to my quilts.  Not extensively but bits here and there. Right now I have a problem with my machine not recognizing the throat plate is on so I will try vacuuming it and cleaning it since I used it a lot for Christmas. 

Machine Quilting with an Embroidery Machine - 

Site for tutorial here 


I've also been updating my pinterest and I finally posted here and uploaded a video to my youtube channel. It's been close to a year for my blogspot and 2 years since I uploaded on youtube.

Well, I'll be posting about a new costume I will be starting for Halloween. Yeah I know it's really early but why not.

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