Tuesday, April 23, 2013

1000 Posts and What I've Finished

Yeah! This makes 1000 posts. Granted the first year I just transferred all my photos from tribe thinking it wasn't going to be there anymore. Well, it is sort of gone as no-one is on their anymore.

Anyway, I did get a photo of the sweatshirt of my son's sweatshirt that was in my to do list for this year.Post is here

Here's the before picture
Here's the after.

I didn't make it into a hoodie which is a good thing since my son informed me he doesn't like them. I know I have to show you my other UFOs that are done as soon as I get a chance.
I am still working on the Xmas Quilts and have a bunch of blocks for my other Xmas gift quilts.

Anyway, I spray painted the mason jar lids today in black and what a difference it does make. It didn't take too long and it cost 1.00 for the spray paint. I will also show photos of that and the rest of my sewing room soon.

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