Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year Still Undone

Happy New Year.
Here it is 2013 and I looked at what I posted last year. A list of projects I wanted to get done last year and didn't. UFO/PHDs as always are the sores of a sewer's/crafter's life. Projects that maybe we want to get done or perhaps don't  stay in limbo until we decide.
This is my last year list here

I didn't finish anything except for the quilts. So here I will try again this year to finish the following projects or just set them on fire at the end of the year and just forget about them.

1.My son's been waiting for this sweatshirt for two years now. Luckily he is old enough that he won't be growing anymore so that has saved me. I do need to finish this soon before it rots in my sewing room.

2.I still debate over this shirt and I am going to make one. I want it done for summer the short sleeve one.
I shouldn't have to much trouble making it except for the arms.

3.While these quilts are done, I have some fabric that has been sitting there for at least 3 years waiting to become a quilt. Xmas clearance fabric I bought to make a quilt. I think I'll make that quilt for hubby this year. I'm still waiting to make that Halloween quilt for myself but every time I look at my big stash of Halloween fabric, I don't want to cut it.

4.Yes, the costume still waiting to be done. Sad how this one sits and sits waiting to be finished. I still have to finish the skirt that goes with this too. When? Maybe by this summer I'll have it done???

5.Yes, this is still waiting to be finished. How sad because it probably doesn't fit anymore but I didn't finish the waist band on the skirt. I hope the top fits or maybe I just need to visit the gym. I really want to finish this costume this year. Maybe by summer too???

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