Monday, October 29, 2012

Henry Rollins in Maine

    My son and I went to see Henry last night at Cony High School. It was interesting waiting in line for the theatre to open. Interesting in that the last time I was in this theatre, I went to see my middle son play his trombone in the Maine Honors Band. I've also been here for a few blood drives but I won't revisit that now. I watched kids and adults come out of the gym from a sports game looking at the line and wondering what were we waiting for.
      It's been a while since I've been out. My son was so excited because he hasn't been to a concert yet. Yeah, I know your saying what? Well, when you live in Maine you don't see many acts coming to Maine. Going to another state especially to the city of Boston takes a lot of time and money. He's too young to go to clubs(he's 20) so for him this was his first concert.

      I loved how close we were to the stage. It was really awesome seeing him in person. You always wonder how people look outside of  the video screen. Well, Henry looks great. He tells his audience that people always tell him  he's not as big/tall as they thought he would be. He looked tall to me and yes, he's in awesome shape.(Okay, I'll stop there except for one last thing-yes, Henry is still smoking hot)!

   Anyway, I so enjoyed the show never ever looking once at the clock because I didn't want it to end. I laughed so hard that I was hoping no one noticed a snort or two coming out of me.

 Henry made a point about voting which I've always thought was important. When I turned 18, I was very excited to vote and have all these years. I always think of those people in countries where they can't. You and I have that privilege and should vote.

My son admires him(Henry,just like me and my son,doesn't drink,smoke or do drugs). He helped inspire my son to one day travel around the world(he was thinking about doing it already but this was way to get him moving more towards that goal). I am glad he's out there speaking with his twist of humor and experience in his show.

  Here's an article about the show in Maine 

I hope Henry comes back again.
Please come again, Henry!


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