Sunday, April 12, 2009

More Finished Stuff

This headband looks Steampunky to me. I did Tunisian crochet on this. This takes longer than regular crochet. I added brocade covered elastic on the bottom. I added pearls throughout the whole headband and put on the left side some crochet funfur, lace, pearls and a gold button. Gold buttons are also all over the top of the headband. I had bought some purple(can't see too well in the pic) and blue feathers at L.L. Bean fishing store. I finally used them here and also added a peacock feather and rooster feathers on the very top. Those were my rooster feathers. Those roosters are now at a small rural local egg farm -one rooster to 25 hens-yeah, lucky roosters. Anyway, I added some bling to the front and there you go.

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