What to make out of Wooden Spools

I have some old wooden spools that I couldn't throw out so I looked up what I could make.
From this blog Make Mine Beautiful
I would like to make these soon. Here's the direct link on how to make them.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Homemade Blueberry Ice Cream

So I dug out my ice cream machine and planned on making some ice cream. I picked a Blueberry Ice Cream receipe that wasn't that great. I'll try another one next time but I'll show you my results from this one.
 Here's all my stuff to make the ice cream-okay, almost everything.
 First you have to blend or puree the blueberries. Using my mini grinder-easier to clean.
 Now you have to boil them.
 This is how it looks almost boiled.
 Getting the half and half ,sugar and milk combined seperately.
 Now straining the blueberries.
 Giving the husks to my chickens.
 Pouring the mixture into the ice cream maker.
 Pouring the blueberry mix with the milk mixture.
 Blending and freezing the mixture soon to be ice cream.Doesn't look that great but it isn't bad but next time it will be even better.

Captain America

First of all Tommy Lee Jones is in it. I just go to see him. I didn't see any of the trailers(they tend to ruin surprises in movies)and just know the character from the comics and cartoons. I liked it.The transformation of the skinny Steve Rodgers to the huge Capt. was amazing special effects.

I love 40's style from clothing to cars and this brought it to the big screen wonderfully.

My favorite though was putting in a strong, beautiful female character who was intelligent, confident and could kick ass with the rest of the guys.

Thank goodness there wasn't the stereotypical helpless female,(Directors-Take note on that!).

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I have about two rubbermaids of fabric. Maybe more maybe less. I'm not counting diaper fabric-that's another 3. Of course this is all for my etsy stores. I plan on not buying anymore until half of that non diaper fabric is gone. This is a pretty array of colored fabrics but scary photo of one person's fabric stash. I could not ever use all this up.
Or use all this Yarn. I just have a small basket full and I think its too much.
This is not a picture of me!
Here's one for making jewelry or other crafts. Yup, not even close to this. I guess some people enjoy collecting and there awesome collections but I just don't want to try to keep all this organized.

here's the link for the jewelry stash
here's the link for the fabric stash-
here's the link for the yarn stash-

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rollins on Cashiers

As you know , I love Henry Rollins. I know and love his music well but only in the past 1 1/2 have I seen , on youtube, his road show. He is funny and makes me laugh. I  can also relate to him in many ways which is strange for a female too, right? Just like Rollins, I don't drink or smoke or do drugs which to many seems strange. I thrive on my anger , which he does. It seems weird for a female to be angry as I've been told. Really? Why is it that it's okay for a guy to be angry and a woman not?
Anyway, here's a clip from one of his road shows.

Summer Lilies and Petunias

Here's some pictures of my Lilies and some of my Petunias.

Update on the Sewing Room

I've cleaned up quite a bit. Got rid of bags and put stuff away. I have a few more sections to clean off but I realize I don't have nearly so much stuff like a lot of sewers,crafters,crocheters,etc have.
I already used up quite a bit of stuff and now my goal is to use up at least 5 skiens of yarn by the end of July and put up my items up on etsy to sell. I like using up my supplies and having room.
I will post a picture of my sewing room/laundry room when it is all clean.

Free Tatting Patterns

Over 300 Tatting patterns here

Lots of Tatting Patterns here

Show how's to make animals- tatting patterns here

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sewing Room

Since my sewing room is in a mess.  I have so many projects going and making more of a mess as the days go by. I have a goal of not to buy anymore fabric, wire, beads, yarn, etc... until the beginning of Autumn. Yes, I am going to try to finish and use what I have and not clutter up my poor room with more. After spending an half an hour cleaning tonight , I need too. Day 1.

Monday, July 11, 2011

New wrist warmers and arm warmers

I finally posted a bunch of new wrist warmers and arm warmers on Saturday.
