Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Custom Made 25 Yd. Patchwork Skirt

Now you can own one too. I take weekly payments and it does take 10-14 weeks to make. More details @

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Used Jewelry and Diy Patterns

Just to let you know that I am posting many patterns , new and used , up on my etsy. I am also posting used jewelry including some diy.

My helper

Cats seem to know when you are cutting out fabric and seem to want to help. This is why I warn people that no matter what, I do own animals.

Easter Eggs

I know Easter was awhile ago but I thought I post my kiddos creations. This was using that glitter egg dye .

Fabric Labels

This is a great tutorial on how to make fabric labels by Laurraine Yuyama

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Books and Reading

I use to read at least 3 books a week until I had my kids, college and job. Now that I finished college , I still don't ever have enough time. Now when I try to read books I'm so exhausted by the end of the day that it takes me forever to read a book because I get through maybe one chapter. I use to read a whole book in a day or day in half. Not crappy top ten stupid crap like how to improve, or why your not , etc. I would read classic books or history books or books about countries, animal biology books,etc. Well I like to start reading more again. I have my kids reading all the time and now I need too. I was actually out visiting my parents last year and went to buy a couple of books. Well they didn't have the books and there was only one bookstore in this big city. I asked around and no one knew where there were other bookstores. I'm like no wonder people are so ignorant-no one reads. As much as I love going to the bookstore , I will be checking out Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy at the library. Love both places anyway. Yes, how nerdy. This is one classic I haven't read yet. If you haven't read a book lately-go borrow or purchase a book and read!!!!


Yes, it came out yesterday. I'm gonna see it Sunday. Aren't all the pictures of this movie of Wolverine just fantastic!! I've been reading/collecting Wolverine and other comic books for about 16 years. This is not a fad for me. I enjoy them. I started with my first born reading them because having a baby -you have no time at all for yourself. I was also in college reading, studying, etc. Also working part-time so comic books were a quick, fun, interesting escape for me. Of course back then there wasn't hardly any females reading them so I always got weird looks going into the comic store -not now though. Plus the drawings are fabulous. Imagine the work that goes just into one page? I can't even draw decent stick people. Wanna escape from all the bad news-read a comic book!